

Announcing Datum Technologies Group

Announcing Datum Technologies Group

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Datum Software Announces Rebranding as Datum Technologies Group  Datum Software, a global leader in technology solutions, is proud to announce its rebranding to Datum Technologies Group. This exciting development brings together three once-siloed brands under one umbrella to deliver full-service technology, talent, and award-winning solutions to commercial and government customers worldwide.  The …

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Outsourcing vs. In-House: Pros and Cons of Software Development Staffing Solutions

Outsourcing vs. In-House Software Development

  Software development is a crucial component of many businesses, and staffing solutions are essential for meeting the demand for specialized IT skills. When it comes to staffing software development teams, there are two primary options: outsourcing or hiring in-house staff. Both options have their own unique set of pros and cons, and understanding these …

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datum innovations

Proactive Recruiting

  Recruiting proactively is a strategy many companies use to identify and attract the best talent before a job opening is available. This approach can help organizations stay ahead of their competition and build a talent pipeline that can quickly fill critical roles when they become available. Here are some key reasons why recruiting proactively …

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